Monday, October 3, 2011

What Should I Do With This Baby?

Hey, guess what? I'm PREGNANT, and with lots of babies too! There's something I heard and learnt recently. Do you know that whenever a woman is pregnant, lots of things happen which are beyond normal human understanding? I didn't know this and I bet you didn't either. Read the following concept to know what I'm talking about.

During the early stages of conception, the development of the baby begins. It's at this point that something very important is needed by this baby. It will need a SOUL. It so happens that all souls have been created since the beginning of time. Whenever the baby needs the breath of life to start its human activities like breathing, it attracts a soul from the 'other realm'. The kind of soul it attracts is dependent on various factors like the kind of environment the baby is in, the mentality and character of the mother and the people around and most importantly, the spiritual standing of the parents.

I guess this is the reason most people find it hard to break away from the mentalities of their parents. This concept simply means two things; as an expectant mother, you've got to work on yourself and be careful about whom you move with.    

At one time or the other, we find ourselves pregnant with babies or ideas as the case may be. Most times, the idea is conceived but being delivered of it is not always the case. This is not always our intention but whenever it happens, we ask ourselves 'why?' The idea was so good, what could have possibly gone wrong? A lot of forces come to play here and it's our duty to protect this innocent idea from such. How?

1. Work on yourself.
Sometimes, we have ideas that are way beyond our abilities to achieve, or so we think. Once, in secondary school, I had an idea that could change the way students related to the school head but I had to be the student head before I could implement it. At the time, it was beyond my ability. I got that position eventually, but I had to do a lot of self reforming to achieve this. If achieving this idea is what you want, then you've got to work on yourself while incubating the idea. If you have to read more, go on a diet or travel, do it. As long as it's in line with your idea.

2. Don't share it with just anyone.
Influence has a big role to play when it comes to bringing your ideas into reality. Telling the wrong person could terminate it. Associating with like-minded people who could be instrumental to its success would help your new 'baby' attract the right soul. In case you don't know, people are watching you and like it or not, some are out to see you cry. Do yourself a favour and wait till it's born before you go blabbing all about it.

You can't hide an idea forever because just like pregnancy, it'll show. It's the early stages and foundation that matter. So, whenever you don't know what to do with your new 'baby', just use this tip: guard it with your LIFE!

Why do you think lots of good ideas don't get implemented?  There are lots of reasons. Your comments are most welcome.

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  1. We can all always better ourselves. This is very inspirational to me right now. I'll definately be checking back in to read your blog. I really like the positivity coming out of it.

  2. I appreciate your comment Jingles and true, there is always room for improvement. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Wow. This is powerful. The biggest thing I got from this is responsibility. We don't realize the huge responsibility we are carrying around with us when we are blessed enough to receive a huge idea. When we are able to fully grasp and attend to our responsibility is when we will take things like self-care and personal development more seriously when trying to, as you say, deliver our ideas. This is an excellent concept that helps me to take better care of my ideas as well as the person that's carrying them around. Thank you!

  4. I like your analogy--birthing a book is very much like birthing a child.
    Both take a lot of personal preparation and I do tend to be selective as far as with whom I share my book while it's still in its infancy stages. Like your blog and I'll be back!

  5. You're right Alexis. Accepting responsibility for our ideas helps us channel it in the right direction. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comment too Sandra.

  6. Thanks Lanre. Let's face it, if we don't look after our babies, then who will?

  7. No one else would protect it the same way you would. That's a good point Mike. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. I always feel you're on our side Lanre! It really helps to have someone reminding us to think positive and know that it really is in our hands if we work hard enough.

  9. It's already in our hands. Working hard enough helps bring it out into the limelight. Thanks for stopping by Isra.

  10. Great insight. Ideas should never be ignored. They need to be nurtured regardless where they take us. In the end there is something to learn or to be shared with others.

  11. We should never ignore our ideas. Even if we can't act on them immediately, they should still be nurtured. Thanks for stopping by Angela.

  12. This was definitely a great way to get someone's attention. I love the analogy between a woman finding out she is pregnant and people with ideas that they don't know what to do with. This post definitely makes you do some self analysis. Great post.


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